Digital Folklore

Perry Carpenter & Mason Amadeus | Realm

Digital Folklore is an immersive audio adventure that takes place inside a fictional universe, but explores the real-world truths behind various expressions of internet culture and how each holds up a mirror to the society from which they emerge.This podcast is great for audio fiction fans who really really want to enjoy interview-based shows, or for listeners who love expert interviews and insights but long for something unique and unexpected.Join Perry Carpenter and Mason Amadeus as they explore the wild and wonderful world of online folklore, encountering a wide range of characters—both real and fictional—who provide a we...

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PodLP is the leading podcast app for feature phones. With 10M+ installs in nearly every country, PodLP is available for KaiOS on the KaiStore and JioStore, as well as Cloud Phone. If you're interested in promoting "Digital Folklore" on PodLP, contact

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