GZM Shows
While exploring the halls of their hospital ward, three teens with cancer discover a portal that leads them to Nightingale, a magical world inhabited by a race of sentient machines. Dani, Rocco and Sarah embark on an epic adventure to save Nightingale from a malevolent force known only as The Darkness before it can breach the portal and infect our world. With the help of their empathetic doctor, whose mysterious connection to Nightingale is more than it appears, the diverse trio must face their fears and, in the process, confront the unknown of their own diagnoses. The journey offers them...
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PodLP is the leading podcast app for feature phones. With 10M+ installs in nearly every country, PodLP is available for KaiOS on the KaiStore and JioStore, as well as Cloud Phone. If you're interested in promoting "Nightingale" on PodLP, contact
Screenshots are mockup renders of PodLP for KaiOS. Actual design may vary based on platform, operating system, and app version.